Friday 12 June 2015

The New SAT Format

Here is a link to an article from the New York Times where the author shares his view of the new format of the SAT exam, which will be adopted as of May, 2016.   The current SAT format will be offered for the last time in January 2016.  The SAT is part of the university admissions process for many, but not all, US colleges and universities.

A preview of the new SAT format will be offered in the October 14, 2015 PSAT (Preliminary SAT) for Grade 10 and Grade 11 students who would like to experience the new format in a no-stakes environment.   The ACT is an alternative to the SAT which is viewed as equivalent by US colleges and universities.   More information about testing options in the US is available on the UAC website.
The Big Problem with the New SAT (NYTimes, May 4, 2015)